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Foldscope Website


See different kinds of Foldscopes, and purchase if you want.

Spinach Leaf Transformed Into Beating Human Heart Tissue


Spinach leaves can carry blood to grow human tissues

Biome in a Bag


Create your own biome to explore the needs and characteristics of living thing.s

Button Salesman Discovers Most of Life on Earth: True Story

Article  - What if someone told you that right now there are trillions of fellow Earthlings hiding, crawling, and buzzing directly in front of you, under you, in you, on you—but you can’t see them.

A little more about Antoni van Leeuwenhoek

Mold Time Lapse

Video-Watch as mold grows and spreads

Time lapse of differnet molds growing: aspergillus fumigatus, botrytis mucor, trichoderma, cladosporium

Rotting Apple Time Lapse

Video-Watch as an apple travels through time. 

A time-lapse video of an apple decaying. Notice where the apple starts to decay first. Notice also the spelling of the title "Mould". In the US we spell mold without a "u". In the UK, they spell it with a "u". The director of this short film must have been British.  Either way, it's not pretty-mould is mold.

Life in a Drop of Water

Video- If we look closely, with the help of a microscope, a whole new world opens up.

Hundreds, even thousands, of fascinating organisms can be found in a single drop of pond water. Most are microscopic in size, and they include bacteria, protozoa, metazoa, diatoms, algae, and many others. Incredible close-up photography features dozens of these amazing life forms, including amoeba, paramecia, euglena, rotifers, water bears, and many more. While these organisms may appear strange, they actually have a lot in common with you and me. Students will learn not only how to identify some of the more common species, but they will also find out how to collect and maintain their own cultures. This program provides an excellent introduction to the study of simple, single-celled and multi-cellular organisms.

You Didn’t Know Mushrooms Could Do All This

Video -  National Geographic

You probably didn't know mushrooms could be used to construct buildings and cure diseases. Mushrooms are being tested in innovative and imaginative ways to help society. Engineers, medical researchers, and designers are utilizing the natural abilities of various fungi for antibiotics, building materials, water filtration, toxic waste cleanup, pest abatement, textiles, and other purposes. 

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