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Assignments for This Unit


All documents / graphic organizers for 

in-class activities & homework:

Science Film: The Unknown World

NOVA 2005

This is a short segment of the video which allows students to see the organisms that inhabit the Unknown World through the use of microscopic observation and photography

Questions for "The Unknown World"

Questions for the film

This is the question sheet that goes with "The Unknown World " video. .

The Microscope: More Than Meets the Eye

Microscope Orientation

In this assignment, students will become familiar with the way a microscope works. How all the pieces and parts work, and what they are used for. This is the first step toward taking a closer look at the microscopic world to which humans were unaware until the invention of the microscope in the early 1600s.

Exploring The Known World

Students use microscopes to observe prepared slides.

Using prepared slides, students practice using microscopes correctly. They also begin to become familiar with the microsocpic world that was beyond the reach of science before the invention of the microscope in the 1600s.

Exploring The Uknown World

Students us microscopes to observe pond water

Now that students are familair with using a microscope, and making their own slides, they get to observe the living creatures in the pond water they collected from Waneka Lake.  A whole new world in a drop of water!

50 Cent Microscope

Video- TED Talk 3/7/14

Is it possible to build a working microscope for 50 cents?

It's better than you think.

Perhaps you've punched out a paper doll or folded an origami swan? TED Fellow Manu Prakash and his team have created a microscope made of paper that's just as easy to fold and use. A sparkling demo that shows how this invention could revolutionize healthcare in developing countries ... and turn almost anything into a fun, hands-on science experiment.

Dichotomous Keys

Explore Learning Gizmo

In the field, scientists often have to identify an unfamiliar organism (living thing). A reliable way to identify organisms is to use a dichotomous key.

Kingdom Research Overview

Kingdom Research Project Overview

Kingdom Research Resource Online Text

Online Book

Science Explorer - From Bacteria to Plants

Kingdom Research Resource Online Text

Online Book

Science Explorer - Animals

Kingdom Research Template

Use this template to create your kingdom research slide presentation!

Your presentation will be awesome!

Out of Sorts

This is a simple sorting activity. Or is it?

In this sorting activity, students participate in the same categorizing process scientists have used to distinguish between the characterisics of known organisms.

Early scientists had three categories:

1. Organisms that swim

2. Organisms that walk

3. Organisms that fly                                                                      How would you have sorted them?

Animal and Plant Classification

Online Activity

Students learn about the scientific classification of animals and plants

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