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Assignments for This Unit


All documents / graphic organizers for 

in-class activities & homework:

Ecosystem Services


Add How is biodiversity essential to humans? We couldn't survive without it! Biodiversity supplies food, shelter, medicine and so much more to humans.

Ecosystem Services Response Sheet

Student Response Sheet


Human Activities that Threaten Biodiversity


Add How do humans negatively affect biodiversity? Our actions in a given environment cause problems directly and

Human Activities that Threaten Biodiversity Student Response Sheet

Student Response Sheet


How Climate Change Affects Biodiversity


What is climate change and why does it receive so much attention these days? Human activities are heating up Earth, with far-reaching consequences, changing biodiversity levels and distributions at alarming, unprecedented rates.


How Climate Change Affects Biodiversity Student Response Sheet

Student Response Sheet


The Future: Saving Species

Based on Planet Earth series. 

In this assignment, students respond to questions regarding human impact on our environment. Topics such as dissapearing species are discussed and demonstrated in the film.

Environmental Science Introductory Readings

Textbook research on environmental science

Students will read the science textbook and respond to specific questions regarding environmental science,

Colorado Ecosystems Research Project

Research of the ecosyspems of Colorado region.

In groups, students will research one of eight ecosytems in the Colorado region. This will include flora and fauna, habitat, as well as human impact. 

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